Homegrown Garden is a 8 series online class that teaches the ins and outs of growing in small spaces.  We shot these lessons from my home foodscape and I carefully crafted each session to maximize the information you will gain. These classes cover practical approaches to growing all your favorite veggies!

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Learn how to cultivate an edible, gorgeous garden wherever you live. You’ll learn the fundamentals of fruit and vegetable gardening, plus revolutionary techniques for planning, designing and cultivating delicious plants -- with HOA approved, inspiring designs.  
In the class I cover:

  • Successful seed starting

  • Creating nutritious soil

  • Foodscaping: incorporating edibles and ornamental plants in the same area

  • Growing vertically

  • Hydroponics

  • Growing tomatoes in small spaces

  • Maximizing success in containers

  • Plus: how to test soil, pair plants, seasonal tips and much, much more!

Filming with Garden Gate 010.JPG