We are one week into our lives changing forever. Covid-19 will certainly never be forgotten by anyone who is alive in 2020. At this moment, it still feels surreal, and making a blog post feels silly and pointless. So instead of waxing poetic, which I am not good at, I will simply share photos from my home foodscape tonight.
I don’t have the answers on how to deal with life, at all. What I can offer is practical advice for growing A LOT OF FOOD in a totally normal landscape space. I started growing food for myself in 2006 when I bought a house with a subprime mortgage and literally could not afford to grocery shop. I was able to use my horticultural knowledge to design and manage a landscape that was beautiful and HOA approved, while also providing meaningful amounts of food.
Now, more than ten years later, I share this advice with audiences across the US through my two books, The Foodscape Revolution and Gardening with Grains. I hope you can find my experiences helpful for you and wish you all the best in your garden.
Life is short, and we are all scared of the uncertainty of the future. I am here to help you grow and find peace and inspiration from the land that you steward. We are in this together and I wish you boundless success for homegrown harvests.
#StaySafe #StayHealthy #STAYHOME #GrowFood
Sincerely, Brie @Brietheplantlady
1) I think people can be bullies online, and I have a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY. If you are an asshole you will be deleted.
2) I garden in USDA Zone 7B central (Raleigh) NC. I will be showing REAL TIME images from my HOME foodscape. Take inspiration and and figure out how to apply what I do where you live! THAT IS YOUR JOB!
3) I DO NOT BELIEVE LUMBER IS NEEDED FOR GROWING VEGGIES. Prepare yourselves, I will not be giving you advice on how to fail with raised beds. Stop wasting your budget on wood are start focusing on quality compost and plants.
4) We ALL have deer- and rabbits, groundhogs, squirrels, armadillo etc. STOP USING THAT AS AN EXCUSE. Get over it. We all have to deal with mammal browse. I will be offering Webinars on creative solutions. YES IT IS WORTH THE INVESTMENT TO LEARN!
5) Check Briegrows.com for online classes, virtual foodscape consultations and more in the coming weeks. Also, follow my YouTube channel for FREE tutorials.