Master Gardeners start a book club

The Foodscape Revolution is the inaugural book for the Florida State Master Gardeners brand new virtual book club. Each week they will learn lessons and at the end I will do a virtual question and answer session!

The Foodscape Revolution is the inaugural book for the Florida State Master Gardeners brand new virtual book club. Each week they will learn lessons and at the end I will do a virtual question and answer session!

Announcing the Florida Master Gardener Volunteer Book Club

This April many of us have more time on our hands and fewer diversions than we normally enjoy. We may be staying home for health reasons, but social distancing doesn't mean we stop being a community.

Are you looking for a good read? Or interested in connecting with gardeners around the state? You are invited to join us for a community reading of "The Foodscape Revolution" by Brie Arthur. 

Foodscaping is a growing trend in gardening. It's an easy entry point for edibles but also a fresh challenge for veteran gardeners. With these creative landscapes you can enjoy the fruits of the garden, even in communities with dedicated homeowners associations. Whether you are interested in home food production, or just looking for a new way to connect, we hope you will join us.

How do I join the book club?

Simply purchase the book, directly from the author or from an online bookseller like, and you're in. It's available in hardcover and as an e-book (Kindle, etc.).

To share your thoughts and discuss with readers around the state, follow us on social media. We'll be posting frequently on Instagram (@Florida.Master.Gardeners) and bi-weekly on Facebook (@florida.mastergardeners). There we will share discussion questions, quotes, pictures, and video discussions with our State Master Gardener Volunteer Program Coordinator, Wendy Wilber.

Will we meet to discuss the book?

Yes! Wendy Wilber will host a statewide, virtual book club meeting at the end of five weeks. Check the May issue of the Neighborhood Gardener or our social media accounts for details. She'll also announce next month's book club pick.

But you don't have to wait until the end of the month to gather with other book club members. Local Master Gardener volunteers, friends, and neighbors may enjoy reading the book and discussing together all month long. We encourage local groups of readers to meet up virtually when meeting in person is difficult. Consider using social media platforms, Zoom, Skype, or making a phone call.

However you decide to connect, we're excited to read and grow with you. Thank you for being a part of our community.

My neighborhood “child laborers” are a BIG part of my gardening experience. They love to sign books and answer questions too! Gardening is important for people of ALL AGES!

My neighborhood “child laborers” are a BIG part of my gardening experience. They love to sign books and answer questions too! Gardening is important for people of ALL AGES!

Are you interested in starting a book club?

I am here to help! I would love the opportunity to connect with people and really dive into exactly how to create and manage a foodscape that best meets your needs. Both of my books offer practical advice and could be used as a how to guide to help people of any experience level achieve a bountiful garden this year.


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