New Front Sidewalk- ten years in the making

Sometimes it take a decade for a good idea to strike. Once it happens there is no going back! That was exactly the case with the front garden make-over this summer. Planted in 2011, I had dreamt of creating a pathway that extended from the front door to greet visitors in the driveway. However, that felt out of reach when we first started to develop the property, so instead I planted hedge of Cephalotaxus ‘Duke Gardens’ and made due with the existing path that ran along the narrow front porch and out to the the area where we parked our cars. NO ONE EVER CAME TO THE FRONT DOOR.

Over the years the front porch was ignored, and only used by the kitties. Until Miss Ava Grace arrived. This was her favorite door to exit and enter from and she felt safe as a tiny kitten in the beds close to the house. Thanks to her activity I was inspired to renovate this area by cutting down a bunch of overgrown shrubs!

Once I got started, I couldn’t stop! opening up this apace suddenly made the house look to welcoming and I began to rethink how I could plant this bed to maximize the sunny exposure with no limits! of course a beautiful, bountiful foodscape was in the works!

With my temporary path in place we started to use this new entry on a daily basis. Though we were still stuck on the idea of making it a brick paver path. Until one afternoon, sipping David’s classic sparkling Sangria when he suggested concrete.

“OMG YES!” I declared and there was no looking back. Within 10 minutes I had contacted a local concrete company and had a consultation scheduled. To my delight the cost was very affordable and they had room in their schedule for our “simple” 8 hour project, spread between one afternoon and the following morning. When a good idea comes into your mind, run with it!

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It is funny how gardening sets a different standard for “instant gratification.” In my world I usually wait months or years to see my vision through. In the realm of concrete, it happens in a few hours! I will admit, as I watched this process I was a bit jealous and wondered if I had missed my calling. It was so satisfying to see the pathway take shape right in front of your eyes!

To say we are pleased with the result is the biggest understatement of 2020. We now use the front door constantly. The porch gets used daily, and not just by the cats! The extended patio area is the ideal place for neighbors to come and catch up with proper social distancing. This concrete renovation changed the way we use our home.

The foodscape is lush and dense and is teaming with pollinators including bees, butterflies and hummingbirds! The harvests of basil, peppers, tomatoes, and zucchini are keeping us well fed. And when the occasional visitor does arrive, they know exactly to get reach our front door. That is what southern hospitality is all about and I am so pleased that our Carolina cottage now has a proper space to welcome people.


Interested in seeing monthly progress? These videos showcase how the space has evolved over the past two months.

I hope this will inspire you to evaluate your home and landscape and consider how a simple idea, like concrete, can transform your space!