Mid August Foodscape Update

Somehow 2020 is marching along and my favorite season, summer, is passing far too quickly. I noticed the days are considerably shorter, the nights much cooler, and my shadow is getting long. Yes we are just a month from autumn equinox and I want to cherish every single minute I have left with the summer season.

While I have been busy with harvesting and processing the splendors of the warm season, the foodscape is growing rapidly- thanks to the abundant rainfall we have enjoyed in recent weeks. This may be the first August in history where the water bill is less than $100!

I hope you will enjoy this mid August foodscape tour below and find some ideas to apply in your own gardens.

I have also dusted off my “real camera” and have set the goal of taking more photos with it. I love the convenience of my cell phone, but there is something about looking through a lens and seeing the world a bit differently. Below are some shots that I took last night, 16 August 2020, after the clouds cleared.

The blue flowers of Thunbergia erecta have been showing off all season. This was a surprise perennial, as I had assumed it would not be hardy here in zone 7. But in year 3 it is well established.

The blue flowers of Thunbergia erecta have been showing off all season. This was a surprise perennial, as I had assumed it would not be hardy here in zone 7. But in year 3 it is well established.

Sesame is coming into flower and it is extraordinary! The white flowers produce white seed; the pink blooms produce black seed. I have grown both for a number of years and I adore them! These are all self-sown seedlings from last summer!

Lycoris radiata has burst into bloom, signaling a change in the season. I find that plants are the best indicators for understanding the rhythms of nature.

Lycoris radiata has burst into bloom, signaling a change in the season. I find that plants are the best indicators for understanding the rhythms of nature.

The hardy hibiscus have really appreciated the rain and have been blooming for 3 straight months!

The hardy hibiscus have really appreciated the rain and have been blooming for 3 straight months!

You can always depend upon Zinnias to add cheer! All of these are self-sown seedlings from last year. They are ideal, long-last cut flowers, but this year I am leaving most of them outside to provide nectar for butterflies and bees and seed for the gold finches. And fingers crossed, I will get a few to self sow in 2021!

Speaking of pollinators, the swallowtails have finally arrived in full force and are spending quality time on one of their favorite plants, Phlox paniculata ‘Bright Eyes’.

Speaking of pollinators, the swallowtails have finally arrived in full force and are spending quality time on one of their favorite plants, Phlox paniculata ‘Bright Eyes’.

The container rice is quickly setting seed and is almost ready to harvest! Rice happens to be one of Ava Grace’s favorite plants in the foodscape!

Despite feeling like I was weeks behind on summer planting, everything is growing quickly and looks great! Whenever I need a pick me up, I just take a stroll outside with the kitties and I am rejuvenated and motivated to keep going. This luxury is something I do not take for granted, and I hope that by sharing these simple insights, I will inspire others to take up this great hobby of gardening so more people can enjoy scenes like this right outside their door.


I will continue to post foodscape updates every few weeks and hope these blogs will brighten your day and provide inspiration for future plantings. Till next time, have a great day! Sincerely, Brie